
1) искажение (напр. кристаллической решётки); деформация (напр. симметричного тела); перекашивание (напр. платы)
2) искажение, искажения (напр. сигнала); воспроизведение с искажениями (напр. объекта на экране дисплея)
3) искажения звукового сигнала, имитирующие эффект перегрузки аналогового усилителя, проф. "дистошн" (цифровой звуковой спецэффект)
4) дисторсия
а) тлв опт. подушкообразные или бочкообразные искажения изображения
б) фтт градиент вектора смещения
в) фтт механическая дисторсия
- aliasing distortion
- amplifier distortion
- amplitude distortion
- amplitude-amplitude distortion
- amplitude-frequency distortion
- anisotropic distortion
- aperture distortion
- asymmetrical distortion
- attenuation distortion
- audio-frequency harmonic distortion
- barrel distortion
- bias distortion
- bias telegraph distortion
- bubble-domain elliptical distortion
- characteristic distortion
- characteristic telegraph distortion
- cosine tapered distortion
- cross-modulation distortion
- crossover distortion
- cross-product distortion
- delay distortion
- delay-frequency distortion
- deviation distortion
- dial distortion
- end distortion
- envelope-delay distortion
- fading distortion
- field distortion
- fortuitous telegraph distortion
- frequency distortion
- geometric distortion
- geometrical distortion
- granular distortion
- group-delay distortion
- harmonic distortion
- higher-order distortion
- hysteresis distortion
- IM distortion
- image distortion
- in-band distortion
- isochronous distortion
- Jahn-Teller distortion
- keystone distortion
- lattice distortion
- limit distortion
- line distortion
- linear distortion
- modulation distortion
- multipath distortion
- nonlinear distortion
- optical distortion
- origin distortion
- overshoot distortion
- overthrow distortion
- parallelogram distortion
- peak distortion
- percent harmonic distortion
- phase-delay distortion
- phase-frequency distortion
- pillow distortion
- pincushion distortion
- quantization distortion
- radio wavefront distortion
- ratio distortion
- ray distortion
- recording/reproducing harmonic distortion
- RF intermodulation distortion
- rise-time distortion
- S-distortion
- sawtooth distortion
- scalloping distortion
- shooting distortion
- single-harmonic distortion
- size distortion
- slope overload distortion
- spacing end distortion
- spiral distortion
- spot distortion
- start-stop distortion
- telegraph distortion
- telegraph bias distortion
- telegraph signal distortion
- teletypewriter end distortion
- teletypewriter signal distortion
- total distortion
- total harmonic distortion
- total harmonic distortion + noise
- tracing distortion
- tracking distortion
- transient distortion
- trapezium distortion
- trapezoidal distortion
- triangular distortion
- underthrow distortion
- velocity distortion
- waveform-amplitude distortion
- wavefront distortion

English-Russian electronics dictionary .

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Смотреть что такое "distortion" в других словарях:

  • Distortion — Dis*tor tion, n. [L. distortio: cf. F. distortion.] 1. The act of distorting, or twisting out of natural or regular shape; a twisting or writhing motion; as, the distortions of the face or body. [1913 Webster] 2. A wresting from the true meaning …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Distortion — (lat./engl. für ‚Störung, Verzerrung‘) steht: in der Nachrichtentechnik die ungewünschte Verfälschung eines Signals durch einen Verstärker, siehe Verzerrung (Akustik) in der Musik ein Effektgerät, siehe Verzerrer Siehe auch: Verzerrung Distorsion …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Distortion — Distortion. См. Коробление. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • distortion — I noun anamorphosis, camouflage, caricature, contortion, convolution, deception, deformation, deformity, disguise, disparity, disproportion, dissemblance, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, distortio, embroidery, enlargement, exaggeration, expansion,… …   Law dictionary

  • distortion — 1580s, action of distorting, from L. distortionem (nom. distortio), noun of action from pp. stem of distorquere (see DISTORT (Cf. distort)). Figurative use (of words, etc.) from 1640s …   Etymology dictionary

  • distortion — [n] deformity; falsification baloney*, bend, bias, BS*, buckle, coloring, contortion, crock, crookedness, exaggeration, intorsion, jazz*, jive*, lie, line, malconformation, malformation, misinterpretation, misrepresentation, misshape,… …   New thesaurus

  • distortion — [di stôr′shən] n. [L distortio] 1. a distorting or being distorted 2. anything distorted distortional adj …   English World dictionary

  • Distortion — This article is about technology, especially electrical engineering. For other uses, see Distortion (disambiguation). Distort redirects here. For other uses, see Distort (disambiguation). A distortion is the alteration of the original shape (or… …   Wikipedia

  • distortion — distortional, distortionary, adj. /di stawr sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of distorting. 2. the state of being distorted or the relative degree or amount by which something is distorted or distorts. 3. anything that is distorted, as a sound,… …   Universalium

  • Distortion — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Irregularity of form. < N PARAG:Distortion >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 distortion distortion detortion contortion Sgm: N 1 twist twist crookedness &c.(obliquity) 217 Sgm: N 1 grimace grimace Sgm: N 1 deformity …   English dictionary for students

  • distortion — noun 1 change in shape/sound ADJECTIVE ▪ severe ▪ slight ▪ inevitable ▪ image VERB + DISTORTION ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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